I transcribed the following from a brief video clip featuring the voice of Voddie Bauchman Jr, a sampler of his thoughts on the "Supremacy of Christ and Truth in a Postmodern World" (possibly from his Ever Loving Truth Bible studies) posted at the DesiringGod.org Facebook group Don't Waste Your Life. I don't know where the original video is located, and I got nowhere with YouTube.com, so I can't include the video here.
Student: I just wanted to ask you that, um, if you believe in a God that is omnipotent and omnibenevolent, then how do you reconcile the issue of theodicy?
Bauchman: Took a semester of philosophy, right?
Student: Well, yes. How did you know?
Bauchman: 'Cause if you hadn't, you would've just said, "Listen, God's so powerful and so good: how come bad stuff happens?" But I'm not going to answer the question until you ask it correctly.
Student: Worked on that all week. What do you mean, "ask it correctly"?
Bauchman: You're not asking the question properly.
Student: What do you mean, ask the question properly? It's my question! You can't tell me how to ask my question!
Bauchman: I will answer your question when you ask it properly.
Student: How do I ask it properly?
Bauchman: Here's how you ask that question properly: You look me in my eyes and you ask me this, "How on earth can a holy and righteous God know what I did and thought and said on yesterday and not kill me in my sleep last night?" You ask it that way and we can talk. But until you ask the question that way, you don't understand the issue. Until you ask the question that way, you believe the problem is 'out there'. Until you ask the question that way, you believe that there are somehow some individuals who, in and of themselves, deserve something other than the wrath of almighty God! Until you ask me the question that way, until you flip the script and ask the question this way and say, "Why is it that we are here today? Why has he not consumed and devoured each and every one of us? Why? Why, oh God, does your judgment and your wrath tarry?" When you ask it that way, you understand the issue. When you ask it the other way, you believe in the supremacy of man; how dare God not employ his power on behalf of almighty man. You flip the question around, you believe in the supremacy of Christ; how dare I steal his air."
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