To be sure, science is better equipped to answer some questions than any other field. For instance, it is science and not theology that will tell us the age of the earth. The Bible does not provide that kind of information, nor does it care to. Nevertheless, it is an important and reasonable question.
Michael Horton, Putting Amazing Back Into Grace (Baker, 2002), 30.
the problem I have with statements such as these is that God is left out and even told to be left out. "The Bible doesn't care to (comment)". I wonder if someone standing before God and asked by Him, "What do you think of my Creation and when I did it", would get a 'well done" if they responded, "Don't care and it doesn't matter"! All things were created through him and for him to show forth his glory (psalm 19). And everything we do is for his glory, whether we eat, drink, do science, etc. To defer to secular scientists who have an agenda to discount God rather than genuine Christian scientists who seek to honor Him seems at odds with anyone who claims to love God and his truth. I am a scientist and work in a research center and see regularly that they don't know what happened yesterday, and yet we are to believe they know what happened 'millions" of years ago? Let God be true and every man a liar.