I have suspended activity on this blog for the time being. I have invested in a domain and created a web site to publish not only my own writing but that of others too, as a growing collaborative enterprise of authors with a range of view points exploring and examining ideas and topics related to philosophy, religion, and science. I am publishing from the perspective of Christian theism, of course, while another gentleman, Håvard Skjæveland, is publishing from the position of agnostic atheism. I am hoping that in time the site will be home to five or six intelligent and eloquent writers who all share the same interest in open-minded but critical thinking.
Update (1 Feb 2010): Site no longer a collaborative blog between myself and Skjæveland. Site overhaul in design, purpose, and content. Now a team blog of Christian writers: Mathew Hamilton, Duane Proud, Adam Morgan, Luis Dizon, and myself.